July 20, 2017

The sun is out and its another beautiful day in paradise.  Let’s hope it stays like this for the weekend.
Thank you to everyone who posted Canada Day at the Cottage pictures. It looks like lots of fun was had around the lakes that weekend! We’ve pulled a few together to show the celebrations.

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on July 20, 2017

July 7, 2017

It sure feels like summer! And as always, there are lots of things happening around the lakes over the next two months.  As promised, here are all of the events we know about so far.

Swimming Lessons: Lori & Lauren have just finished week 1 of swimming lessons.  There are still 2.5 more sessions (5 weeks) to go.  So its not too late to get your kids/grandkids/nieces/nephews and even yourselves registered for swimming lessons, first aid courses and length swims. Contact Lori for more info.

Cavendish Community Carnival: Each year, the community center hosts a baseball tournament, garage sale, bake sale, petting zoo, face-painting, balloons, hidden auction, raffle, book sale, beer tent and BBQ to raise money for a new photocopier for the 507 express, and the community police department. Saturday, July 15th 9am-4pm

Parasaling/Flybording: On Saturday, July 29th, sky-mazing parasail will be here running parasailing and jetavator/flybording experiences. Spend 15 minutes in the air looking at the amazing views of the lake, or do a half hour jetavator/flybord session. Call or visit us to register or for more info!

Customer Appreciation Fireworks: Gold Lake, Saturday August 5th.

Regattas: Check back for dates of regattas this year.  We will post them as we hear about them.

Happy Summer!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on July 7, 2017

Missing Dogs

Apparently the fireworks last night frightened some dogs away, so if you happen to be missing or have found any dogs wandering, please get in touch with us so we can help them find their way home. As well, a white boat with a green inside was found near the first bridge. call us at 705-657-9088

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