July 9, 2018

What a week it has been!  We have seen some incredible summer weather and let’s hope it keeps up, although a touch of rain wouldn’t hurt to keep things from getting too dry. We want to send a huge Thank You out to the ground and air crews who worked tirelessly to get last week’s Loom Lake fire under control!!  Please be so careful if you choose to burn over the coming days and weeks as the ground is very dry and it doesn’t take much to get something going.  Make sure you have a burn permit, call in before and after having a fire 705-738-3800 ext 301, and keep your eyes and ears open for Fire Bans in the area.

In more exciting news, Leah and her team are having a great time racing in Italy!  They placed first and second in all heats yesterday and shaved off 4 seconds to achieve their best time and a first place finish in heat 4 – well done ladies!

Upcoming events include:
Swimming lessons, first aid and boat courses with Lori through the summer
Cavendish Carnival on July 21st from 9-4 at the Community Center. The day includes a 3-pitch tournament, bake sale, book sale, flea market (donations gratefully accepted), hidden auction and more!
Parasailing and Flybording at Little Gull Marina on August 18th. Call or drop in to book a time.

Enjoy the sunshine and have a great week.


Posted in News Update | Comments Off on July 9, 2018

June 29, 2018

Summer has arrived once again and it sure is looking like it will be an awesome weekend to kick things off! With the extreme heat being forecast, please make sure to stay hydrated and wear that SPF while out enjoying the water. Welcome back to all of our lovely gas docks staff. They will be here eagerly waiting to see everyone back enjoying the summer.

We already have some exciting things planned for the summer.  Lori Harper will once again be running swimming lessons from July 3rd until August 10th here at Little Gull.  She is also offering the course and exam for getting your boating licence, as well as First Aid and CPR courses.  You can register in person on Sunday, July 1st from 9:30-10:30, or contact her for more information.

On Saturday August 18th, Ski-Mazing Watersports will be here again to offer amazing adventures on the water!  See the lakes from above as you go parasailing, or have some fun in and above the water on a Flyboard or Jetavator. Last year was a huge success and we will certainly be going out again, we hope you will as well!  Call or visit us to register.

Finally, Leah wants to thank everyone who supported her with pledges for the Peterborough Dragon Boat Festival. It was another huge success, with over $150,000 raised so far!  We are also very excited for her and her team as they embark on an exciting adventure this summer.  We wish them all the best as they travel to Florence, Italy next week to race in the 2018 IBCPC International Dragon Boat Festival. Good luck ladies and have lots of fun!

Happy summer and have a great weekend.

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on June 29, 2018

May 2, 2018

Well it finally happened and it sure has warmed up in the past 2 days! The ice is mostly gone now, with just a bit left in back bays. There is a lot of debris floating around so please be careful if you are out boating!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on May 2, 2018