Jan. 3, 2019

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great Christmas and holiday season and are looking forward to a great year ahead.

We finally have some white stuff up here which is great to see, but the snowmobile trails are not open yet. It looks like the lakes have frozen over now, but we wouldn’t be venturing out there yet. Folks have been skating and walking on some of the bays, but please be careful due to all of the rain and thaws we have had over the past couple of weeks.
We are closed on Sundays for the winter, but are open 9am-4pm Monday through Saturday.

Coming soon is the Toronto Boat Show, January 18th-27th. Give us a call or email if you are interested in changing things up for next summer and Richard can meet you at the show on 21st, 22nd or 23rd (Monday-Wednesday) to help with those tough decisions and finding the best fit for you and your family!

We also want to welcome Justin to the Little Gull Team. Justin joined us late this fall and we look forward to having him as part of the crew.

Finally, Leah wants to thank everyone who donated corks over the last year! Please feel free to continue saving up and dropping corks off at the marina anytime.
Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.

Here’s to a happy, healthy new year and hopes for a great Canadian winter ahead!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on Jan. 3, 2019

Nov. 26, 2018

A little Monday morning fun. We often get asked in August if it is still ok to come through the sandbar. The answer is yes, but the later in the season it gets, the more important it is to be aware of the channel’s angle. This video is from the end of October.
Our strategy: Line up, speed up, trim up, close your eyes and hope for the best 🙂 Ok maybe not the last part, but it really is true when you go through fast, less of the boat and motor are in the water and you can get through no problem with an outboard late in to the fall.
Have a great week!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on Nov. 26, 2018

Nov. 8, 2018

How is everyone enjoying the soggy weather we’ve been seeing for the past several weeks? It seems a bit never-ending, but hopefully we will see some sunshine peek through in the coming days. We thought the pretty fall colours might be a welcome sight online today. We’ve had some snow flurries mixed in as well, in fact the first sign of snow here came just shortly (within the hour) after a couple of our staff got out of the lake for what we hope was their last swim of the season! Brrrr
Speaking of staff swimming, we would like to welcome Justin to our team here at Little Gull. He started with us a few weeks back and has quickly adjusted to marina life, jumping in (quite literally) with both feet and learning the ropes quickly!

We have been closed this week so that Michelle and Leah can get through the painstaking job of inventory, and the guys in the back as well as our shrink-wrappers are working hard to get the last of the boats to bed.
We hope everyone has had a good fall so far. Have a great rest of the week.


Posted in News Update | Comments Off on Nov. 8, 2018