July 11, 2019

Happy Hour & Dock SnacksWhat a start to summer! It sure came out of nowhere and is very much like what we saw last year at this time.  The water is warm, the sun is shining and it looks like a great weekend ahead (with some possible thunderstorms to be expected with this heat). Even the chipmunks are enjoying some snacks and custom made lounge chairs at the Cooney Family Cottage (Photo Credit: Ryan Coleman).

Next weekend, the One Big Day Community Carnival is happening at the community centre. Come out on July 20th from 9am-4pm for Kids games and activities, a softball tournament, bake sale (come early for this one!), book sale, flea market, snack bar, balloon  company, face painting (11-1) and more! It is always a lot of fun and a great way to support the community programs and services.

For folks who are up through the week, every Thursday from 7-9 there is progressive euchre at the community centre!
Swimming lessons started last Tuesday and the water is perfect!  It’s not too late to sign up for either of the last 2 sessions. Contact Lori Harper for more information about lessons, first aid/CPR courses and boating courses/exams.

As we learn of new events happening we will keep you posted here!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on July 11, 2019

June 28, 2019

Happy Summer to everyone and an extra congratulations to all the kids out there who graduated from high school and are on to new and exciting adventures this summer.
Speaking of new and exciting, we would like to welcome back our summer staff and extend a warm welcome to Olivia, Nikola & Gabe who have joined the crew here for the summer. They are excited to meet everyone over the weekend!

Leah had a great weekend a couple of weeks ago at the Peterborough Dragon Boat Festival. She would like to thank everyone for their support and well wishes. As always it was a great event!  And as you might enjoy a glass of wine or two at the cottage over the coming weeks, keep in mind that she is very happy to continue collecting corks for the cause!

Swimming Lessons start back up on Tuesday with Lori Harper. She will be here Sunday from 9:30-10:30 for in-person registration or you can contact her for more info or to register at 705-657-9128 or loriharper1808@gmail.com. She is also running First Aid/CPR courses and the boating license course through the summer.

Starting today, we are back in summer mode, open 8am-8pm 7 days a week. Aside from a little blip this afternoon, it has been a beautiful week and is looking to be a spectacular weekend and week ahead. Enjoy and see you on the weekend!


Posted in News Update | Comments Off on June 28, 2019

June 6, 2019

What a beautiful day!  But oh how the bugs are loving it because it is still soooo wet up here and the ground really soft.  The blackflies are rampant and the mosquitos have made their annual debut.  Looking for a less potent bug spray? Try a 50/50 mix of listerine and water.  If it’s not working, make it a bit more potent.  We have a big spray bottle of it here in the shop to try and make life in bug world a bit more tolerable.

We don’t have much new to report here, so we thought we’d give you an update from the other side of the world. Heather is doing really well in Australia. It is so hard to believe that she has been there for over 2 years. We had no doubt she would adapt and figure things out with ease, but she has exceeded all of our hopes!  After spending about a year and a half in Cairns, she moved to Brisbane where her and Ryan both got jobs at the Australia Zoo. Heather is working in the primarily with Native Australian Mammals (mostly Dingos) and sometimes gets to work in the Africa section. Ryan works with the reptiles, and even got to help transport a crocodile during filming of Crikey with the Irwin Family (the shows air on Thursdays at 9 on Animal Planet). We miss her but know she is having an incredible experience there and are grateful to have our nephew in the same country at least.

That’s all for now!  Enjoy the sunshine.

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on June 6, 2019