Oct. 10, 2019

Welcome Bentley!  We are very excited to introduce you to the newest member of our crew here at Little Gull.  A Border Collie, weighing in at less than 10lbs, and only 9 weeks old, Bentley has sure made his presence here known fast.  His favourite things to do include chasing leaves, working in the shop with the guys (which just means he follows them around chewing their shoelaces), tormenting the other dogs and cats, assisting Richard in the tractor, and going for boat rides with Leah and crew, which consist in part of sniffing all the fall smells, but mostly sleeping in a box because all that fresh air is exhausting!  We are excited for him to meet all of you and make lots of new friends.

It has been a busy, busy season here and we are so glad that the weather this week has stayed sunny and warm! It sure does help keep things rolling smoothly. The water is dropping very quickly, so if you haven’t already made arrangements to have your boats picked up, we encourage you to do so as soon as you can. If you intend to drop your boat off, please let us know ahead of time and pop in to the store when you arrive so we can help you find the best place to leave it. We are here from 8-5 all weekend.

As we head in the Thanksgiving (that’s hard to believe), we want to extend our most sincere appreciation to all of you for your continued loyalty to our Little Gull family. What we do here is only possible because of customers like you who support your local businesses so that we can continue to provide convenient services on the lakes.  Thank you!


Posted in News Update | Comments Off on Oct. 10, 2019

Sept 13, 2019

For the most part it has been another beautiful, albeit cool, week and the weather folks say it should be a sunny weekend.
We are bringing boats in fast and furious, and if you are on an area of the lakes where the water seems to whisk away from shore and leave your boat high and dry, consider taking a peak or having a neighbour check in and see how things look.  We definitely appreciate being able to pick boats up while they are floating and not beached – the girls start to say it gets a little chilly in the coming weeks to be doing much swimming 🙂

We are still open from 8am-5pm every day until after Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing everyone out enjoying this beautiful season.

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on Sept 13, 2019

Sept 6, 2019

Whoops!  I guess we’ve been slacking a bit in the post department. We hope everyone enjoyed the last couple of weeks of summer. Despite cooler and perhaps more seasonable temperatures for late August, for the most part it was still beautiful out and great for enjoying cottage and boat season.
We have moved quickly in to boat pick-up, winterize and storage season here, so if you are done with your toys for the season, please let Michelle know so that we can make arrangements to pick them up from your dock and get them safely back to bed for another winter.
The water levels have dropped but there is still no problem getting under the bridges (trim up) or through the sand bar here at the marina.
We hope the first week back to school for everyone has been a good one and hope to see you up on the weekends!  We are now open from 8am-5pm every day until after Thanksgiving.

Have a great weekend.

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on Sept 6, 2019