Jan. 25, 2019

Another snowy weekend in the neighbourhood. For the most part, it has been snowing since Saturday morning, and the milder temps are making it fairly heavy. We have seen lots of sleds out on the trails and a few coming off the lakes but we aren’t running them yet and from what we can see, its pretty slushy out there with the weight of the snow. BDSC is working hard to repair E108 – please stay off of it!  You can check out their website or facebook page for updates.

We are slowly starting to keep up with the things our younger staff keep telling us we should be doing, so we have an instagram account now ~ littlegull9088.  Bear with me as I figure out how it all works, but I will try to get pictures up there more frequently (it just involves remembering which some days can be a challenge in itself!) They tell me it’s easy and doesn’t take long to figure out.

Over the past few weeks we have been deliberating on what to do this winter for hours, but have decided that we will be closed for the months of February and March this year. This is not to say we won’t be around at all, and if we are and you need gas or other things, we will happily help you out, but please don’t plan on us being here. We hope to get out and enjoy some of the time that these months grant us before we ramp up again, which also includes a trip back to Australia for Leah to visit Heather and Ryan. Luke will be working in the shop so service is still available should you run in to any sled issues. We appreciate your understanding and if you need anything in particular we are always available by email.

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on Jan. 25, 2019

Jan. 17, 2020

It still seems strange typing 2020 in the heading. With each new year brings another Toronto Boat Show, and it opens tomorrow! There will be lots of great things to check out, including workshops, demos and shows on the water, lots of exhibits, a women’s day on Sunday, and for the little ones they can go fishing (yes really) and beg Mom and Dad for all the snacks and treats available at the show.
I will be there from mid-morning on Monday until Wednesday around noon, and if you contact the marina we can make arrangements to meet and take a look at or discuss any options you might be exploring.

Also, remember if you are thinking about upgrades to your docks to keep those toys secure, we can certainly take care of that with Ryan’s custom docks and decks.

Finally, please be careful out there this weekend. We aren’t venturing out on the lakes yet as they aren’t safe in most places still and all the snow can be deceiving. As for snowmobiling, the trails aren’t open yet but you can check for updates here.

Have a great weekend!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on Jan. 17, 2020

Jan. 13, 2020

Well it doesn’t look like this anymore, but its nice to dream about!  Hopefully some cold temperatures in the coming days will help to freeze things up again and we can start over with a new base.
We are in to our winter hours now, open Monday-Saturday from 9am until 4pm, and closed on Sundays.
Leah’s Dragon Boat Team is again collecting corks in order to raise money for them to represent Peterborough in the 2022 International Dragon Boat Festival in New Zealand.  All natural corks will be recycled and made into products such as flooring and bulletin boards, and of course this supports a great cause. You can drop corks off to the marina anytime, or at the Village Wine Shoppe in Bridgenorth, or the Wine Shoppe in Peterborough. Have a great week.

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on Jan. 13, 2020