April 12, 2020

Happy Bunny Day! We are so glad the Easter Bunny was deemed an essential service provider and that all the kids out there had a great feast of chocolates and treats this morning.  Parents, all the best this afternoon!

It is beginning to look a lot like the beginning of spring up here, with almost all of the snow gone and the lakes open. There is still some ice sticking around on sheltered shorelines, but otherwise it went quite quickly! We wish this was a year that we could start launching boats and perhaps get ahead of the game by a little bit, but that’s just not in cards right now. As you’ve likely heard, the government has extended closures at least until April 23rd, so we wait.
We know you are eager to get up to the cottage and get out on the water, but at this time, the health and safety of everyone is of greatest importance. We are so grateful to the incredible heroes working on the front lines of this and ask that you continue to support and protect them by staying home, but also by staying off the water.

At this time, we are still taking requests for startups and will continue to put your toys in the queue. We are unable to get any boats out of storage or running, but promise as soon as we get the green light we will be going full steam ahead to begin fulfilling your requests.

Please take good care, enjoy this long weekend as best as possible and Happy Easter!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on April 12, 2020

April 4, 2020

This is certainly a post we were hoping we wouldn’t have to write, but here we are. As you know, the list of essential businesses that can remain open was updated yesterday in an ongoing effort to further reduce contact between people and hopefully stop the spread of COVID-19. Under these new restrictions, marinas that are not necessary to enable individuals to access their primary place of residence are not deemed essential. Therefore effective today, Little Gull will be closed at least until April 18th. Leah and I will continue to check voicemails and are available by email (leah@littlegullmarina.ca), but at this time the shop and store will have to remain closed.

Our optimistic outlook is that we will be back up and running and able to get your boats out and ready for a great summer ahead, so you are welcome to continue to give at least 2 weeks notice (by email please) for when you would like to see your toys back in the water. Once we have the green light to re-open, we will work hard to make this happen.

Thank you for your understanding as we respect what our government is asking us to do in an effort to keep everyone safe and we will continue to keep you updated as often as we can.


Richard & Leah

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on April 4, 2020

March 27, 2020

We hope this finds you and your families well and that you are staying safe together.
At this time, we wanted to provide you with an update on service here at Little Gull Marina.

Ontario has included marinas in the list of essential services and therefore we are open for business. However, in order to adhere to social distancing protocols recommended by Canada’s health care professionals, and to keep our staff, customers and community safe, our doors remain closed to customers. Please help us to protect each other and our staff and refrain from visiting the marina at this time.  Should you need any supplies in the meantime, please call or email us and we will make arrangements to leave items outside for you and take care of payment via e-transfer or credit card remotely.

While our doors remain closed to the public, the office and shop will remain open for service and repair and we will continue to work towards ice out and the beginning of start-ups for when warmer weather arrives.  We are available by email and phone and will happily work with you to get any service needs you have taken care of. Please contact Michelle with at least two weeks notice for delivery of your boat.

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide you with updates as available or needed.

Stay safe, stay healthy and thank you for your continued support as we work together through this in hopes of being able to enjoy the coming seasons to the fullest!

Richard, Leah & the Crew here at Little Gull

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on March 27, 2020