June 5, 2020

Another week has flown by, and the crew here are so glad the weather has been mostly in our favour.  They are doing a great job getting boats launched, but we still have a very long road ahead of us as we try to make up for lost time and get back on track. Inevitably we are behind as you might know from Leah’s emails, and each week we are trying to claw back bit by bit. In the meantime, thank you for your understanding and patience.

We are continuing to keep our sales section updated each week as things come and go, but also keep in mind if you are looking for something new we can help there as well.  Contact Michelle and we will get the ball rolling so that you can enjoy a new water toy this summer.

Ryan is busy building custom docks and is still taking bookings for this year as well as next.  If you are thinking that it might be time for something more secure to keep your fleet safe, or a nice new dock for the kids to play on, contact Ryan and he can get you set up.

Some sad news for our candy kids this season.  As we continue trying to do our part to keep everyone safe, the girls have decided that the candy counter will stay empty this summer.  They can imagine the devastation this is going to cause our smallest customers, but hope that a bit more variety in the packaged candy department will help.

Enjoy the great summer weekend ahead!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on June 5, 2020

May 30, 2020

To say this week has been a little nutty would be an understatement I think. We are steadily getting boats launched and the store has been very busy for this time of year. Apparently the hot weather has warmed the lake up quickly and we are seeing lots of people out enjoying the sandbar and watersports already too!

This weekend, we welcome back Nikola and Kendra, as well as our newest addition to the crew here, Natasha, who we look forward to getting to know and working with. We are open from 9-4 every day, and will continue with one family at a time in the store. If you would like curbside pickup, please give us a call and we can make those arrangements with you.

Burn Permits can now be completed online, and are no longer available here. Please remember to continue calling in before and after each burn, and only have fires when it is safe to do so.

If anyone is looking for a raft, one of our customers on Pencil Lake has one that he has offered free to a good home. If you are interested, please let us know.

We are continuing to send out weekly e-blasts and have been doing so since early April.  If you have not received any emails from us and would like to, you can sign up here.

Have a great weekend, don’t let the mosquitos carry you away!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on May 30, 2020

May 21, 2020

Well we sure went from winter to summer in a hurry! What an adjustment it’s been from working in the snow to working in 25+ degrees inside of just a few days.

Just a quick update this week to let you know that starting on Saturday, we will be open to customers from 9am-4pm every day.  We still want to make sure that everyone stays safe so we will only be letting one family in to the store at a time.   If you prefer curb-side pickup for things, we can definitely accommodate that.  Just give us a call and the girls will take care of it for you.

This week we also welcomed back Jordan, and Evelyn will be in on the weekend. We are glad they are back for another season and are grateful for their help!

Enjoy the sunshine, here’s hoping the warm weather stays so that the bugs leave faster!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on May 21, 2020