June 3, 2021

We definitely got a surprise when we logged on to post this and realized we haven’t done an update here since early April, and there was still ice on Cavendish…Oops!  Good news update, the ice is out everywhere now! And Marlo enjoys visiting to play with all of her 4-legged friends in the water.

As you may have seen by now, we have some more new docks for our slip tenants! Ryan and Penny framed the docks for us so that they are nice and stable, and Gabe and Mary spent a week decking them all.  Definitely a big improvement here at Little Gull!
As you know the Fire Boat lives on our docks out at the point and it is very important that our volunteer fire fighters have easy access to their boat when needed.  We have a chain that we try to keep across the point to deter parking beyond the tree line, but we ask that you do not park out at the point.  Absolutely drive out and unload vehicles, but before you leave, please move your car back so that emergency vehicles are able to use that point space.

The crew here has been doing an awesome job getting boats launched and ready for another summer.  With the exception of today its been nice to have some great weather already too.  If you haven’t requested your boat already and would like to,  contact the office to make arrangements for us to get it back on your dock! If you don’t hear back from us, please follow up as we will always reply to confirm arrangements.

Keep an eye on our Sales page for used boats as they come up, as well as our Lost & Found page for things that we find around here, or that other people find around the lakes. We are happy to post and share in hopes that items find their way back to their owners. As well, we have several license plates in the office that we have found over time in our parking lot or in the water at the boat launch.  If you are missing one, send Michelle an email with your license plate number and we can check our collection!

We are still here from 9am-4pm every day. Enjoy the rest of the week!


Posted in News Update | Comments Off on June 3, 2021

April 8, 2021

Another day, another update.  This is quite the journey we are all on, and we sure hope that everyone has been able to stay safe and healthy!
We are happy to let you know that this year we are not required to shut down, and will be able to continue getting boats ready for the fast approaching season.

In order for us to continue working and getting your boats launched, our first priority has to be to keep our crew here safe. Please if you visit the marina, use the hand sanitizer available in the store or at the gas docks, wear your mask, and be mindful of areas that are designated for staff only (eg. around the sides of the marina & the shop area). As we have for the past year now, we are only allowing one family in the store at a time and are happy to offer curbside pickup.

The ice is out in most places, but it looks like some of the smaller lakes are hanging on a little bit still.  The photo above is of Cavendish this morning. If you would like to request your boats, or change your already scheduled date due to the recent government updates, please contact Michelle and she will make arrangements with you and remember that we require at least 2 weeks notice.

Enjoy the rest of the week!



Posted in News Update | Comments Off on April 8, 2021

April 2, 2021


Happy Easter! What a great weekend out there – it’s so nice to have some warm sunshine to enjoy.

The ice is changing quickly, and water levels have come up a fair bit in the past week, so we are quickly approaching another boating season. If you would like to make arrangements to get your boat out of storage, please contact Michelle directly and remember we require at least 2 weeks notice for spring pick-up or delivery.

This week saw another Covid-19 announcement by our government. We are relieved that we are able to stay open this year and can continue to work to get your boats ready for the water as the weather continues to improve.  The store is open, however we are still only allowing one family in at a time.  Curb-side pickup is available if you are more comfortable with that option, just call ahead to make those arrangements.

We want to congratulate Gabe, who has worked with us for 2 years now.  He has successfully completed his first year apprenticeship and we are happy to have him back with us for another season!

Hope the Easter Bunny is good to all the kids out there, big and small.  Enjoy the long weekend!


Posted in News Update | Comments Off on April 2, 2021