August 5, 2022

Thank you Joey!  The Fireworks show last weekend was fantastic.  We are so grateful to Rick Asling who started a very special tradition on our lakes many years ago, and so glad that Joey has taken it over. We hope many of you were able to get out and enjoy the show.

The crew here work very hard to try and meet all of your needs year round, but especially through the spring and summer months, and they’re due for a little fun on the water themselves.  For the first time ever in the summer, we are going to close at 3pm on Wednesday, August 10th, and get some water sports in.  Rain date August 11th. We will check voicemail and email first thing the next morning so if you need anything, please still feel free to contact us and we will get back to you the next morning.

Enjoy the fabulous weekend weather ahead!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on August 5, 2022

July 28, 2022

It has been a crazy spring and summer here. It seems we haven’t been able to stop to catch our breath for more than a moment. Which is great! We are happy to be busy, and love seeing everyone out and about enjoying the sunshine in between rain drops and gale force winds.

We’ve been very happy to have Heather home to visit for a couple of weeks now!  Although it’s been 5 years, it seems she never left and we will definitely be sad to see her go tomorrow. She has been making the most of her time here catching up with people, reminding herself how to use the till and pump gas, and getting some water sports in (we had to make sure we got a tube ride in!).  It’s been great having her back around and we hope that she will be able to visit again soon, hopefully with Ryan next time!

The long weekend is coming and thanks to Joey Peeters, so are the annual Customer Appreciation Fireworks!  A message from Joey: Peeters landscaping is happy to announce that we will be doing the annual fireworks show off our barge again this year. We have permits in place to fire the show on Catchacoma lake on the evening of July 30. We are looking for your donations again to make this show possible. Please dm, text or call (705)559-6490 if you would like to help make this the biggest show yet!! Thank you all in advance and we will see you all on the water!

If you have a local business and would like to support this event, you are welcome to drop donations off here at Little Gull and we will be sure they get to Joey.

It looks like a beautiful weekend ahead – Enjoy!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on July 28, 2022

June 4, 2022

Another month has blown by on us, in the blink of an eye.  The whole crew has been working hard to get boats in the water, and other toys repaired so that you can enjoy all parts of cottage life.  It always seems there just isn’t enough time in the day.  If you have requested your boat(s) for a specific weekend, and your plans change. It is always helpful for us to know so that we can plan accordingly. Contact Michelle in the office for any arrangements/changes that need to be made.

Many of you have now been up and opened the cottage for the season, and the to-do list of tasks keeps growing. Some of the laneways and cottage roads have taken a bit of a hit with all of the rain we’ve gotten, and they may be in need of some TLC.  If you are looking to get that taken care of, Bryan would be happy to help. You can call him at 705-760-5115.

We are now open from 9am-5pm every day for the month of June. Jordan and Nikola are the familiar faces back to greet you for another season, and we are very excited to welcome Jaymie and Emily to the crew this summer. If you stop by on weekends in June, you will likely get the opportunity to meet them as they learn the ropes so that we can throw them in head first come July!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Posted in News Update | Comments Off on June 4, 2022