Boat Delivery supervisors
Summer has arrived….almost! In just a couple short hours, the kids will be out of school and ready to stir up some trou…fun for the next 2 months! And we all know that the true start to summer isn’t June 21st but rather the day the kids get out of school. The arrival of summer means lots of things will be happening to keep on the lookout for.
To start off the summer Lori Harper will be here on Saturday from 9:30-10:30am. Feel free to stop by and chat about swimming lessons or register in person. You can also contact her via email or phone regarding swimming lessons or getting your boating licence this summer. Lessons can be tailored for adults and kids of all ages and levels and its a great way to meet other kids on the lakes.
Bass season opens tomorrow and this is just another reminder that we no longer sell fishing and hunting licenses here but you can get them online.
This summer will also see One Big Day at the Community Center on July 19th, a number of regattas around the lakes (dates TBA), Catchacoma Marina’s fishing derby, and many other exciting events.
Our crew here is working hard to keep those boats hitting the water and the gentlemen in today’s picture are over-seeing the delivery crew to make sure your boats arrive on your dock in tip-top shape.
Finally, the official arrival of summer also means that we are now open from 8am-8pm every day. We will be here to assist you with any of your cottaging needs, or simply to provide that much needed ice cream treat on the hot summer days that we hope keep on comin.
Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone out enjoying this fantastic weather!